Programs to Help You Pay for a Home

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers a variety of federal programs that may be able to help you purchase a home if you qualify for assistance:

FHA Loans for First-Time Homebuyers
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), part of HUD, insures mortgages, making it easier for potential homeowners to afford loans. FHA also offers HUD homes for sale. Learn more about FHA Loans.
Homeownership Vouchers
The program provides public housing residents and other low-income families that are first-time homebuyers with subsidies to use toward buying a home. For additional information about this program, contact your local Public Housing Agency (PHA).
Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program
The program also known as Section 184 is a home mortgage specifically designed for American Indian and Alaska Native families, Alaska Villages, Tribes, or Tribally Designated Housing Entities.
Programs for Servicemembers and Veterans
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers home loan programs designed to help veterans and active duty servicemembers.
Learn about the Native American Veterans Home Loan program.
Programs for Rural Residents
Local Rural Development (RD) offices can provide information on single family housing programs for rural residents.
State Programs
Contact your state housing finance agency or state HUD office for information about special programs administered by your state and properties available in your area.
In addition to all the programs, HUD funds approved housing counseling agencies throughout the country that can provide advice on many housing-related topics, including buying a home. Use this map to find one in your state.
Foreclosure Properties 
If you are interested in a foreclosure-related property, reach out to a licensed real estate agent who will be able to advise you on when the property may be available for purchase.

100 Questions Every First-Time Home Buyer Should Ask, Fourth Edition: With Answers from Top Brokers from Around the Country

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