Welcome to Chances♥org, where new opportunities await!


Step into a realm of inspiration with our uplifting messages, practical advice, and empowering resources. Our site is devoted to supporting your personal growth journey with hundreds of activities, affirmations, journal prompts, and insightful articles – all designed to encourage and empower you.

Take a Chance♡

Without chances, there is no change…
Take a chance today that may lead to a better tomorrow.

Choose one or more cards from below.

Random Acts of Kindness
Dreams and Aspirations
Take a Chance on Compassion: Fostering Empathy and Connection
Take a Chance on Creativity: Unlocking Your Artistic Potential

Create More Chances

This daily focus guide is designed to help you focus on creating and preparing for positive chances in your life. By filling it out regularly, you will attract and notice more opportunities. Please note that your entries are confidential; we cannot see what you write. This is a personal space for reflection and growth, and the form cannot be mailed or submitted. If you do not wish to type your answers, no problem. Just read each question and answer it think about your answer.

Select the positive things you would like to attract into your life. By regularly checking these, you will focus your intentions and actions towards achieving them. Your selections are confidential; we cannot see what you check.

Today’s Random Word


Today, focus on MINDFULNESS. Be fully present in each moment and appreciate the now.

Mindful Breathing: Take deep breaths and focus on your breathing.

Present Moment Awareness: Pay attention to your surroundings and sensations.

Meditation: Spend a few minutes meditating to center your mind.

Mindful Eating: Savor each bite of your meal, focusing on taste and texture.

Gratitude Practice: Reflect on things you are grateful for in the present moment.

Mindfulness enhances your awareness and appreciation of life. By living in the present, you reduce stress and increase joy.

Today’s Random Activity

Choose an activity that resonates with you.

Everything around me inspires me.
I am thankful for the people in my life.
Every day, I grow and improve.
I treat myself with kindness and compassion.
In difficult situations, I am able to see the silver lining.
Whenever possible, I try to see the bright side of things.
I am grateful for everything I have in life.
I am grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given.
By being kind myself, I inspire others to be kind.
My life has a lot of potential for me.
I value the freedom to be myself.
I regularly allow myself to take time for myself.
I am capable of changing things.
I forgive those who have hurt me.
Despite difficulties, I am capable of recovering.
Affirmations for Self-Love Every Day
My courage is unwavering.
It is possible for me to stand up for myself.
My self-esteem is high.
I love myself completely.
There is value in me.
I am at peace with myself.
Peace and joy are due to me.
It is okay for me to take care of myself.
I deserve love.
I love many things about myself.
My needs and wants are important to me.
Respect and kindness are due to me.
I choose to celebrate my good qualities.
I’m doing my best, and that’s enough.

  1. I am open and receptive to the opportunities for personal growth and transformation in my life.
  2. I trust in my ability to overcome challenges and obstacles, and grow stronger through them.
  3. I am grateful for the moments of growth and transformation in my life.
  4. I am committed to embracing change and transformation in order to reach my highest potential.
  5. I trust in my intuition and inner guidance to lead me towards personal growth and transformation.
  6. I am mindful of my thoughts and beliefs, and use them to create positive change in my life.
  7. I am not limited by past experiences or beliefs, but free to embrace personal growth and transformation.
  8. I am surrounded by positive and supportive energy that encourages my personal growth and transformation.
  9. I am committed to taking action towards my personal growth and transformation every day.
  10. I trust in the power of self-reflection and introspection to deepen my personal growth and transformation.
  11. I am grateful for the opportunities to learn and grow that come from challenges and setbacks.
  12. I am mindful of my habits and behaviors, and use them to cultivate personal growth and transformation.
  13. I trust that I am always evolving and growing towards my highest potential.
  14. I am committed to releasing limiting beliefs and patterns in order to embrace personal growth and transformation.
  15. I am not defined by my past, but free to create a new reality through personal growth and transformation.
  16. I trust in the power of visualization and positive affirmations to manifest personal growth and transformation in my life.
  17. I am surrounded by people who support and encourage my personal growth and transformation.
  18. I am patient in the process of personal growth and transformation, and trust in the timing of my journey.
  19. I am grateful for the lessons and wisdom that come from personal growth and transformation.
  20. I am mindful of the power of self-care and rest in supporting my personal growth and transformation.
  21. I trust in the power of self-love and compassion to nurture my personal growth and transformation.
  22. I am committed to embracing my full potential and living a life of purpose and fulfillment.
  23. I am grateful for the abundance and joy that come from embracing personal growth and transformation.
  24. I am aligned with my true self and committed to living a life of authenticity and growth.
  25. I trust that personal growth and transformation are always available to me, and I am committed to embracing them every day.

You can choose to do affirmations in the morning as a way to set the tone for your day, or in the evening as a way to reflect on your day and set intentions for the following day. You can also write them down in a journal or on sticky notes as a visual reminder throughout the day. It’s important to embody the feeling and energy of your affirmations, and truly believe in the positive change they can bring to your life.

Enhance your financial well-being and set yourself up for monetary success. These prompts are tailored to help you focus on developing healthy financial habits, setting clear goals, and managing your finances more effectively. Reflect on your financial aspirations and the steps you need to achieve them.

  1. A financial habit I want to develop is __________.
  2. This year, my financial goal is to __________.
  3. I plan to save __________ each month.
  4. A budgeting technique I want to try is __________.
  5. I aim to reduce my spending on __________.
  6. To improve my financial knowledge, I will __________.
  7. I will start investing in __________.
  8. My plan for paying off debt includes __________.
  9. To secure my financial future, I will __________.
  10. I will track my spending habits by __________.
  11. My strategy for building an emergency fund is __________.
  12. A financial advisor or resource I want to consult is __________.
  13. To increase my income, I can __________.
  14. I will be more mindful about spending on __________.
  15. My long-term financial aspiration is to __________.
  1. I am capable of achieving great things.
  2. Success is a natural outcome of my hard work.
  3. I attract success in all areas of my life.
  4. Every step I take is a step closer to my success.
  5. I am worthy of achieving my goals and dreams.
  6. My actions are intentional and they lead me to success.
  7. I am confident in my ability to succeed.
  8. Success comes to me easily and effortlessly.
  9. I am a magnet for prosperity and success.
  10. I am committed to my vision of success.
  11. I am deserving of all the success I achieve.
  12. My mindset is that of a successful person.
  13. I celebrate my successes, big and small.
  14. Every day, I grow more successful.
  15. I am focused on achieving outstanding results.
  16. Success and achievement are natural states for me.
  17. I am always moving forward towards successful outcomes.
  18. I turn challenges into opportunities for success.
  19. I am successful in all my endeavors.
  20. I am motivated and persistent in pursuing my goals.
  21. Success is my birthright, and I claim it now.
  22. I have the power to create all the success I desire.
  23. I radiate success and attract it in return.
  24. I am grateful for my continuous successes.
  25. My journey is filled with lessons that lead to greater success.

Make the world a better place, by giving chances!

Chances.org is free. We only ask that you pay it forward now and then. Below you will find meaningful ways to make a difference in the lives of others. Who knows? Maybe the chance you give today will be the catalyst that will end up changing the world for better.

Give a Chance
Give a Chance to Peace: Promoting Conflict Resolution in Schools and Workplaces
Gratitude and Action: Your Next Step in Donating Canned Food to a Rescue Mission

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How chances helped me overcome my addiction…
I struggled with addiction. It started out innocently enough – just a few drinks here and there, a little experimentation with drugs. But before I …
“Transforming Limitations into Opportunities: How I Overcame Obstacles to Achieve My Goals”
Transforming limitations into opportunities was the key to my success! I overcame obstacles with joy and achieved my goals …