Harness the Power of Gratefulness

A Network for Grateful Living is a global organization offering online and community-based educational programs and practices which inspire and guide a commitment to grateful living, and catalyze the transformative power of personal and societal responsibility.

We hold grateful living as an engaged mindfulness practice, grounded in both wisdom and science, which supports our ability to see the wonder and opportunity in every moment, and motivates us to act boldly with love, generosity, and respect towards one another, ourselves, and the Earth.


We believe that the fully realized expression of our core values and mission will bring forth our Vision, which is:

A peaceful, thriving, and sustainable world – held as sacred by all.


Our Core Organizational Values guide every aspect of our work, and are expressed and advanced through the practice of Grateful Living, which:

  • Reveals that everyone belongs and everyone is valued
  • Generates an experience of oneness and interconnectedness
  • Deepens love, compassion, and respect for all life
  • Cultivates a sense of sufficiency and abundance
  • Awakens kindness and generosity
  • Inspires the impulse to serve with humility
  • Contributes to the healing of body, mind, and spirit
  • Unleashes joy
  • Anchors hope and trust in life, especially in challenging times
  • Opens us to growth and opportunity
  • Offers pathways from conflict to peace
  • Is an engaged YES to a wholehearted life.

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