Habit Tracker Worksheet


This Habit Tracker Worksheet helps you build and maintain good habits. Use this printable worksheet to set your habit goals, track your daily progress, and reflect on your achievements and areas for improvement.

Month: _________________________

Habit Goals:

HabitFrequency (Daily/Weekly/Monthly)Completed (✔)
1. ________________________________________________________________[ ]
2. ________________________________________________________________[ ]
3. ________________________________________________________________[ ]
4. ________________________________________________________________[ ]
5. ________________________________________________________________[ ]

Daily Habit Tracker:

DateHabit 1Habit 2Habit 3Habit 4Habit 5
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Progress Summary:

HabitCompleted DaysNotes
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________


What went well this month?

What can be improved for next month?

Instructions for Use:

  1. Month: Write the current month at the top of the worksheet.
  2. Habit Goals: List up to five habits you want to build or maintain during the month. Specify the frequency for each habit (Daily, Weekly, Monthly).
  3. Daily Habit Tracker: Use this section to track your daily progress for each habit. Check off each habit as you complete it each day.
  4. Progress Summary: Summarize your progress at the end of the month by noting the number of days each habit was completed and any relevant notes.
  5. Reflections: Reflect on what went well during the month and what can be improved for the next month.

By using this Habit Tracker Worksheet, you can stay organized, prioritize your habits, and achieve your personal growth objectives more effectively. Print this page and use it every month to track your progress and reflect on your achievements.

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