I took a chance to complete my bucket list.

As I approached my 70th birthday, I realized that I had a lot of unfinished business. There were so many things that I had always wanted to do, but had never found the time or the courage to pursue. I decided that it was time to change that. I made a list of all the … Read more

How taking chances helped with my autism…

Growing up, I struggled with autism. I had difficulty communicating with others, making friends, and navigating social situations. I often felt isolated and misunderstood. But as I got older, I realized that I had a choice. I could either let my autism hold me back, or I could learn to take chances and pursue new … Read more

How taking chances helped me overcome health challenges…

For most of my life, I had been healthy and active. I loved playing sports, going to the gym, and staying active. But one day, everything changed. I was diagnosed with a serious health condition that left me unable to walk. I was devastated. I felt like my life had been turned upside down, and … Read more

How chances helped me overcome my addiction…

I struggled with addiction. It started out innocently enough – just a few drinks here and there, a little experimentation with drugs. But before I knew it, I was in deep. My addiction consumed me. I felt trapped, powerless to control my cravings and urges. I tried to quit several times, but each time I … Read more

I took a chance and found love…

I had been single and searching for love. I had been on countless dates and had several long-term relationships, but nothing seemed to stick. I was starting to lose hope that I would ever find the right person. But one day, I met someone who changed everything. We met through a mutual friend, and we … Read more

How taking chances helped me start a business…

For years, I had dreamed of starting my own business. I had a passion for innovation and a desire to create something that could make a positive impact on the world. But despite my aspirations, I was plagued by self-doubt and a fear of failure. I was working a comfortable job in corporate America when … Read more

How I used chances to overcome perfectionism and pursue art…

I had a passion for art. I loved the freedom of expression and the ability to create something beautiful from scratch. But despite my interest, I had never pursued art seriously. I was a perfectionist, and I was afraid of making mistakes. But one day, I decided to take a chance and enroll in an … Read more

I took chances to become a creative writer…

For years, I had dreamed of becoming a writer. I had a passion for storytelling and a desire to share my perspective with the world. But despite my aspirations, I had never pursued writing seriously. I was afraid of failure, and I didn’t know where to begin. But one day, I decided to take a … Read more

How I overcame setbacks and pursued entrepreneurship…

I had always dreamed of starting my own business. I had a vision for a product that I knew would be in demand, and I was passionate about the idea of creating something of my own. But the road to entrepreneurship was not an easy one. I faced setback after setback. I struggled to secure … Read more

How I surpassed my adversity to pursue my dreams…

Growing up, I faced a lot of adversity. I came from a low-income family, and there were times when we struggled to make ends meet. But I always had a dream – to become a professional athlete. I knew that the odds were against me. I didn’t come from a family of athletes, and I … Read more

How I overcame self doubt to pursue a higher education…

I had struggled with self-doubt and a lack of confidence in my abilities. I had always dreamed of pursuing higher education and earning a degree, but I was convinced that I wasn’t smart enough or capable enough to succeed. But one day, I decided to take a chance and enroll in a college program. It … Read more

How I took a chance on traveling solo…

I had always been interested in traveling, but the idea of going alone was intimidating. I was afraid of the unknown, of being alone in a foreign country, and of not knowing how to navigate the cultural differences. But one day, I decided to take a chance and book a solo trip to Europe. I … Read more

How I got the confidence to start my own business…

For years, I had dreamed of starting my own business. I was passionate about the industry and had identified a gap in the market that I knew I could fill. However, I was held back by my fear of failure and the uncertainty of leaving my stable job. But one day, I decided to take … Read more

How I overcame fear to discover my passions…

I used to be terrified of public speaking. The mere thought of standing in front of a group of people and delivering a speech would send shivers down my spine. However, I knew that if I wanted to pursue my passion for writing and become a successful author, I would need to overcome this fear. … Read more