Welcome to Chances♥org, your path to empowerment!


Discover endless inspiration with our uplifting messages, practical advice, and empowering resources. Our site is focused on supporting your personal growth journey with hundreds of activities, affirmations, journal prompts, and insightful articles – all aimed at helping you flourish.

Take a Chance♡

Without chances, there is no change…
Take a chance today that may lead to a better tomorrow.

Choose one or more cards from below.

Health and Wellness Goals

Create More Chances

This daily focus guide is designed to help you focus on creating and preparing for positive chances in your life. By filling it out regularly, you will attract and notice more opportunities. Please note that your entries are confidential; we cannot see what you write. This is a personal space for reflection and growth, and the form cannot be mailed or submitted. If you do not wish to type your answers, no problem. Just read each question and answer it think about your answer.

Select the positive things you would like to attract into your life. By regularly checking these, you will focus your intentions and actions towards achieving them. Your selections are confidential; we cannot see what you check.

Today’s Random Word


Today, focus on CURIOSITY. Embrace a mindset of wonder and explore new ideas.

Ask Questions: Be inquisitive and seek to understand more about the world around you.

Learn Something New: Take up a new hobby, read a book, or attend a workshop.

Explore: Visit new places or try new experiences.

Stay Open-Minded: Approach life with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

Reflect: Think about what you’ve learned and how it has changed your perspective.

Curiosity expands your horizons and fuels personal growth. By staying curious, you keep life exciting and enriching.

Today’s Random Activity

Choose an activity that resonates with you.

  1. I am a magnet for good luck and positive outcomes.
  2. Luck flows effortlessly into my life.
  3. Every day brings new opportunities for luck and success.
  4. I am always in the right place at the right time.
  5. Good fortune follows me wherever I go.
  6. I attract lucky circumstances and beneficial chances.
  7. I am grateful for the abundance of luck in my life.
  8. Luck is a natural part of my life.
  9. I am lucky in love, health, and happiness.
  10. Positive things happen to me all the time.
  11. I create my own luck through positive thoughts and actions.
  12. I see the lucky side of every situation.
  13. I seize lucky opportunities with confidence.
  14. My intuition leads me to the most fortuitous paths.
  15. I am the architect of my luck and my future.
  16. Every day, I attract more luck and prosperity.
  17. I am open to all the luck that life offers.
  18. My life is filled with lucky surprises.
  19. I deserve all the good luck that comes my way.
  20. I am lucky in so many ways that I count every day.
  21. Good fortune and luck are natural outcomes for me.
  22. I am a lucky, happy, and successful person.
  23. My positive mindset attracts good luck.
  24. I celebrate each piece of good luck that comes to me.
  25. With every breath, I draw in luck and prosperity.

Fill in the blanks to create sentences that will help you focus on the good, and, nourish and feed your heart and soul.

  1. I am truly thankful for __________ in my life.
  2. Every day, I appreciate __________ more and more.
  3. I feel deep gratitude for the experience of __________.
  4. I am blessed to have __________ in my life.
  5. Recognizing the value of __________ fills me with gratitude.
  6. I am constantly reminded of how fortunate I am to have __________.
  7. The joy of __________ is a blessing I am grateful for every day.
  8. I cherish the moments when I get to experience __________.
  9. My heart is full of thanks for __________.
  10. Reflecting on __________ reminds me of how much I have to be grateful for.
  11. I am immensely grateful for the support I receive from __________.
  12. I find gratitude in the simple joy of __________.
  13. The gift of __________ is something I never take for granted.
  14. I am grateful for the lessons learned and strength gained from __________.
  15. Each day, I find new reasons to be thankful for __________.
  1. I am strong, resilient, and unbreakable.
  2. My strength is greater than any challenge I face.
  3. I have the power to overcome any obstacle.
  4. Every day, I grow stronger and more confident.
  5. I am a warrior, capable of conquering anything.
  6. My inner strength is a source of limitless power.
  7. I stand firm in the face of adversity.
  8. I draw strength from my experiences and challenges.
  9. I am fortified with courage and determination.
  10. My physical and mental strength support each other.
  11. I am powerful in my actions and beliefs.
  12. Strength radiates from me in all situations.
  13. I am an embodiment of strength and resilience.
  14. Every challenge I overcome makes me stronger.
  15. I possess unwavering strength and resolve.
  16. My strength inspires and motivates others.
  17. I am confident in my enduring strength and power.
  18. I face life’s challenges with courage and tenacity.
  19. My strength is a gift that I cherish and nurture.
  20. I am unstoppable in my pursuit of greatness.
  21. I am fortified with inner strength and courage.
  22. My strength allows me to handle life’s uncertainties.
  23. I am a pillar of strength and stability.
  24. I embrace and celebrate my powerful strength.
  25. My strength is my superpower.
  1. I am intelligent and capable of solving complex problems.
  2. My mind is sharp and able to grasp new concepts quickly.
  3. I trust in my intellectual abilities.
  4. Every day, my intelligence grows and expands.
  5. I am open to learning and acquiring new knowledge.
  6. My intelligence allows me to make wise and informed decisions.
  7. I am naturally curious and always seeking to understand more.
  8. I confidently express my ideas and thoughts.
  9. My intelligence is a gift that I nurture and value.
  10. I am a lifelong learner, constantly growing in knowledge and wisdom.
  11. I use my intelligence to create positive change in the world.
  12. My mind is a powerful tool that I use effectively.
  13. I am skilled at reasoning and critical thinking.
  14. I am insightful and understand things deeply.
  15. I am mentally agile and quick-witted.
  16. My intelligence is respected and admired by those around me.
  17. I am creative and innovative in my thinking.
  18. I have a strong desire to expand my knowledge and skills.
  19. I apply my intelligence constructively in every situation.
  20. I am confident in my intellectual abilities and talents.
  21. My intelligence guides me to success in all aspects of life.
  22. I am proficient in analyzing and synthesizing information.
  23. My intellectual capacity is limitless.
  24. I excel in areas that require strategic thinking and intelligence.
  25. I am proud of my intellectual achievements and strive for more.

Make the world a better place, by giving chances!

Chances.org is free. We only ask that you pay it forward now and then. Below you will find meaningful ways to make a difference in the lives of others. Who knows? Maybe the chance you give today will be the catalyst that will end up changing the world for better.

Gratitude and Action: Your Next Step in Donating Canned Food to a Rescue Mission
Brighten Someone's Day with a Simple Act of Kindness
Brighten Someone's Day with a Simple Act of Kindness

How chances helped me overcome my addiction…
I struggled with addiction. It started out innocently enough – just a few drinks here and there, a little experimentation with drugs. But before I …
“Breaking Free: How I Found the Courage to Pursue My Dreams”
I used to be trapped in a life I didn’t want. But with a little courage and determination, I broke free and chased my dreams …
How I used chances to overcome perfectionism and pursue art…
I had a passion for art. I loved the freedom of expression and the ability to create something beautiful from scratch. But despite my interest, …