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Take a Chance♡

Without chances, there is no change…
Take a chance today that may lead to a better tomorrow.

Choose one or more cards from below.


Create More Chances

This daily focus guide is designed to help you focus on creating and preparing for positive chances in your life. By filling it out regularly, you will attract and notice more opportunities. Please note that your entries are confidential; we cannot see what you write. This is a personal space for reflection and growth, and the form cannot be mailed or submitted. If you do not wish to type your answers, no problem. Just read each question and answer it think about your answer.

Select the positive things you would like to attract into your life. By regularly checking these, you will focus your intentions and actions towards achieving them. Your selections are confidential; we cannot see what you check.

Today’s Random Word


Today, focus on your HAPPINESS. Do something that brings you joy, whether it’s a small treat, spending time with loved ones, or indulging in a favorite hobby.

  • Start Small: Happiness doesn’t always come from big events; it often comes from the little things in life. Treat yourself to your favorite coffee, take a short walk in nature, or listen to a song that makes you smile.
  • Connect with Loved Ones: Spending quality time with friends and family can significantly boost your mood. Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while, plan a dinner with loved ones, or simply share a laugh with someone close to you.
  • Indulge in Hobbies: Engage in activities that you are passionate about. Whether it’s reading, gardening, painting, or any other hobby, taking time for yourself can bring immense joy and satisfaction.
  • Practice Gratitude: Take a moment to reflect on the things you are grateful for. Write them down and appreciate the positive aspects of your life.
  • Smile and Laugh: Find reasons to smile and laugh throughout the day. Watch a funny video, read a humorous book, or recall a happy memory.

Remember, happiness is a journey, not a destination. By making small, positive choices each day, you can create a more joyful and fulfilling life.

Today’s Random Activity

Choose an activity that resonates with you.

  1. I am brimming with energy and vitality.
  2. Every cell in my body vibrates with life and energy.
  3. I embrace each day with vigor and enthusiasm.
  4. My body is strong, healthy, and full of vitality.
  5. I nourish my body and soul to maintain my vitality.
  6. I am overflowing with the vitality that sustains my active life.
  7. Vitality and energy are my natural states.
  8. I wake up each day feeling revitalized and energetic.
  9. My mind is clear, and my body is lively.
  10. I choose habits that enhance my vitality.
  11. I am a powerhouse of energy and good health.
  12. Every breath I take fills me with vitality.
  13. I am committed to living a vibrant and energetic life.
  14. My vitality allows me to enjoy life to the fullest.
  15. I radiate health, strength, and vitality.
  16. I feel my vitality growing stronger every day.
  17. I am rejuvenated and energized with every step I take.
  18. I am unstoppable in my vitality and zest for life.
  19. My vibrant energy is infectious to those around me.
  20. I celebrate my body’s continuous vitality.
  21. My energy levels are consistently high and empowering.
  22. I am grateful for the vitality that enriches my experiences.
  23. My lifestyle choices reflect my commitment to vitality.
  24. I am the embodiment of health and vitality.
  25. Every moment of my life is lived with dynamic energy and vitality.

Front of Card Text: “Reflect on a challenge you’ve overcome. How did you feel before, during, and after?”

Back of the Card:

Learning from Life’s Challenges

The Power of Overcoming Obstacles: Every challenge you overcome shapes you in some way. Reflecting on these experiences can provide valuable insights into your resilience and strength.

Guidance for Reflection:

  1. Identify the Challenge: Think of a significant challenge you’ve faced and overcome. It could be personal, professional, academic, or even emotional.
  2. Pre-Challenge Feelings: Recall how you felt before facing the challenge. Were you anxious, scared, or unsure? Acknowledging these feelings is important in understanding your growth.
  3. During the Challenge: Reflect on your experience while in the midst of the challenge. What actions did you take? What thoughts kept you going? This can highlight your coping strategies and resilience.
  4. Post-Challenge Reflection: Consider how you felt after overcoming the challenge. Did you feel relieved, proud, or empowered? Understanding the positive emotions following a challenge can reinforce your ability to handle future obstacles.
  5. Learning and Growth: What did this challenge teach you about yourself? Identify the strengths and skills you developed or utilized.
  6. Share Your Story: If comfortable, share this experience with others. This can be empowering for you and inspirational for others.
  7. Future Application: Think about how the lessons from this challenge can be applied to future situations. This fosters a mindset of growth and continuous improvement.

Benefits of Reflecting on Challenges:

  • Enhances Self-Awareness: Understanding how you react to challenges increases self-awareness.
  • Builds Resilience: Reflecting on past successes in overcoming obstacles strengthens your resilience.
  • Encourages a Growth Mindset: Recognizing your ability to grow through challenges fosters a positive mindset.
  • Improves Problem-Solving Skills: Reflecting on how you overcame past challenges can enhance your problem-solving skills for future scenarios.

Remember, every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth. Reflecting on these experiences can turn them into powerful lessons that strengthen your resilience and confidence. Embrace your past challenges as stepping stones to a stronger, more capable you.

Front of Card Text: “Think of a happy moment from today and hold onto that feeling. Share it with someone if you can.”

Back of the Card:

Embracing Daily Moments of Joy

Why Recognizing Daily Joy is Important: Acknowledging the small, joyful moments in our day can significantly enhance our overall happiness and well-being. It helps us cultivate a positive outlook and appreciate life’s blessings.

Guided Process for Daily Joy Recognition:

  1. Identify the Moment: Reflect on your day and identify a moment that brought you happiness. It could be something small, like enjoying a cup of coffee, a kind word from someone, a beautiful scene, or an achievement.
  2. Savor the Feeling: Take a moment to really savor this happy feeling. Close your eyes and let yourself relive the experience and the emotions it brought.
  3. Hold Onto the Emotion: Try to hold onto the positive emotion from this moment. Let it fill you with warmth and contentment.
  4. Share the Joy: If possible, share this moment with someone else. It could be a friend, family member, or even a co-worker. Sharing happiness can amplify it and spread joy.
  5. Journaling: Consider keeping a daily joy journal. Each day, write down a happy moment. This practice helps in recognizing and valuing the positive aspects of your life.
  6. Look for Patterns: Over time, look for patterns in your daily joys. What consistently brings you happiness? Understanding this can guide you in creating more joyful moments.
  7. Practice Gratitude: Along with recognizing joyful moments, practice gratitude. Being thankful for these moments amplifies their positive impact.

Benefits of Recognizing Daily Joy:

  • Boosts Mood: Regularly acknowledging joyful moments can improve your mood and overall outlook.
  • Reduces Stress: Focusing on positive experiences can help alleviate stress.
  • Enhances Resilience: Recognizing joy, even in small doses, builds emotional resilience, helping you better cope with challenges.
  • Improves Relationships: Sharing joyful moments with others can strengthen your relationships and foster a positive environment.

Remember, joy often lies in the smallest of moments. By taking time each day to recognize and appreciate these instances, you can cultivate a more joyful, fulfilling life. Embrace the power of daily joys and let them lift your spirit!

  1. I seize every chance to make my life better.
  2. I am open to new opportunities and possibilities.
  3. Every chance I take leads to growth and new experiences.
  4. I trust my instincts to take the right chances.
  5. I am brave in seizing opportunities that come my way.
  6. Every day brings new chances for success and happiness.
  7. I take chances to move closer to my dreams.
  8. I am confident in my ability to make the most of every opportunity.
  9. I embrace chances that challenge and grow me.
  10. I create chances for positivity and joy in my life.
  11. Each chance I take opens doors to new beginnings.
  12. I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire.
  13. I welcome chances that lead to exciting adventures.
  14. I am the creator of my own destiny, taking chances to shape it.
  15. I recognize and appreciate the chances life offers me.
  16. I am grateful for the chance to learn and evolve every day.
  17. I courageously take chances that align with my values and goals.
  18. I am open-minded and ready for new experiences.
  19. Taking chances has brought me growth and strength.
  20. I trust that every chance I take is a step forward.
  21. I am deserving of the opportunities and chances that come my way.
  22. I seize chances to show kindness and make a difference.
  23. Every chance is a gift, and I embrace it wholeheartedly.
  24. I am adventurous, always ready to explore new chances.
  25. With every chance, I build a more fulfilling life.

Make the world a better place, by giving chances!

Chances.org is free. We only ask that you pay it forward now and then. Below you will find meaningful ways to make a difference in the lives of others. Who knows? Maybe the chance you give today will be the catalyst that will end up changing the world for better.

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