Welcome to Chances♥org, where positive change begins!

Dive into a world of inspiration with uplifting messages, practical advice, and empowering resources. Our site is dedicated to supporting your personal growth journey with thousands of activities, affirmations, journal prompts, and insightful articles – all designed to inspire and empower you.


Take a Chance ♡

Without chances, there is no change. Take a Chance. Simply choose one or more cards from below. We create new cards everyday, so you’ll never know what you will find.

Take a Chance on Gratitude: Transform Your Life with Thankfulness
Embrace the Unknown: Unleash Your Inner Phoenix!
Take a Chance to Reflect: The Art of Personal Journaling
Compliment Your Neighbor
Gratitude Moment
Take a Chance on Creativity: Unlocking Your Artistic Potential
Learning and Education
Career and Professional Growth Activity

Give a Chance ♡

Discover easy and meaningful ways to make a difference in the lives of others. Who knows? Maybe the chance you give today will be the catalyst that will end up changing the world for better.

Donate, Recycle, Reuse
Brighten Someone's Day with a Simple Act of Kindness
Give a Chance
Give a Chance to Dreams: Sponsoring Scholarships for Determined Students
Brighten Someone's Day with a Simple Act of Kindness
Give a Chance
Give a Chance to Volunteer: How Small Actions Can Make a Big Impact
Give a Chance to Animals: Fostering and Adopting for a Happier Home
Give a Chance
Brighten Someone's Day with a Simple Act of Kindness
Community Clean-Up Challenge
Brighten Someone's Day with a Simple Act of Kindness

Please tell us about the card you picked and how it has made a difference in your life, or another's.

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Note: Please keep your entry short (2 to 5 sentences). To weed out spam, entries are not posted immediately. We reserve the right to edit, delete, or not publish entries.
30 entries.
"I took a chance card to 'Smile at a stranger' and ended up having a wonderful conversation with an elderly lady who said she hadn't spoken to anyone all day. It's amazing how such a small gesture can brighten someone's day and fill your own heart with warmth."
"I took a chance card to 'Smile at a stranger' and ended up having a wonderful conversation with an elderly lady who said she hadn't spoken to anyone all day. It's amazing how such a small gesture can brighten someone's day and fill your own heart with warmth."... Collapse
"My chance card challenged me to 'Volunteer at a local shelter.' The experience was so profound that I now volunteer weekly. Seeing the direct impact of my time on the lives of others has given me a sense of purpose I didn't realize I was missing."
"My chance card challenged me to 'Volunteer at a local shelter.' The experience was so profound that I now volunteer weekly. Seeing the direct impact of my time on the lives of others has given me a sense of purpose I didn't realize I was missing."... Collapse
"I selected the 'Learn something new' card and enrolled in a sign language class. Not only have I picked up a valuable skill, but I've also made friends in the deaf community. This chance has opened up a whole new world for me."
"I selected the 'Learn something new' card and enrolled in a sign language class. Not only have I picked up a valuable skill, but I've also made friends in the deaf community. This chance has opened up a whole new world for me."... Collapse

Today’s Inspiration

Achievement starts with a goal and is realized through persistence and determination. Set your sights high, and don’t be afraid to dream big. Your goals are the blueprints of your success. As you pursue them, remember that every step forward is a leap towards achieving the extraordinary. You are capable, strong, and destined for greatness.

Today’s Activity

Choose one or two easy and fun activities to help create positive change in your life.

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can bring immense joy and peace into our lives. It is a simple yet profound practice that can transform our mindset, allowing us to shift our focus from what we lack to what we have. In this article, we will explore a collection of 30 affirmations that can help you cultivate a deep sense of gratitude and celebrate the beauty of life.

Celebrate Life with Gratitude: 30 Affirmations to Bring Joy

  1. I am grateful for the gift of life and all the opportunities it offers me.
  2. I am thankful for the love and support of my family and friends.
  3. I appreciate the beauty of nature that surrounds me.
  4. I am grateful for the roof over my head and the food on my table.
  5. I am thankful for my talents and abilities that allow me to express myself creatively.
  6. I am grateful for the challenges I face, as they help me grow and learn.
  7. I appreciate the small moments of joy that bring a smile to my face.
  8. I am thankful for the kindness and generosity of strangers.
  9. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned from my mistakes and failures.
  10. I appreciate the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world around me.

As you read and repeat these affirmations, allow yourself to embrace the feelings of joy and gratitude they inspire. Take a few moments each day to reflect on the things you are thankful for, and let that gratitude fill your heart and soul.

Transform Your Mindset with Gratitude: A Powerful Collection

Gratitude is a powerful tool that can transform our mindset and help us see the world in a more positive light. When we focus on what we have rather than what we lack, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and abundance.

Here are a few additional affirmations to help you cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude:

  1. I am grateful for the gift of forgiveness, both for myself and others.
  2. I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow from my mistakes.
  3. I am thankful for the support and encouragement of those around me.
  4. I am grateful for the freedom to express myself authentically.
  5. I appreciate the beauty of diversity and the unique perspectives it offers.
  6. I am thankful for the simple pleasures in life, like a warm cup of tea or a good book.
  7. I am grateful for the opportunity to connect with others and share my gifts with the world.
  8. I appreciate the power of resilience and the strength it brings.
  9. I am thankful for the moments of peace and stillness in my life.
  10. I am grateful for the power of gratitude to transform my life and the lives of those around me.

Incorporating these affirmations into your daily practice can help you cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude and joy. Take a few moments each day to reflect on the things you are thankful for, and allow that gratitude to transform your mindset and bring more positivity into your life.

In conclusion, gratitude is a simple yet powerful practice that can bring immense joy and peace into our lives. By focusing on what we have rather than what we lack, we open ourselves up to a world of abundance and possibility. Incorporating these affirmations into your daily routine can help you cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude and transform your mindset, allowing you to live a more joyful and fulfilling life.

  1. I seize every chance to make my life better.
  2. I am open to new opportunities and possibilities.
  3. Every chance I take leads to growth and new experiences.
  4. I trust my instincts to take the right chances.
  5. I am brave in seizing opportunities that come my way.
  6. Every day brings new chances for success and happiness.
  7. I take chances to move closer to my dreams.
  8. I am confident in my ability to make the most of every opportunity.
  9. I embrace chances that challenge and grow me.
  10. I create chances for positivity and joy in my life.
  11. Each chance I take opens doors to new beginnings.
  12. I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire.
  13. I welcome chances that lead to exciting adventures.
  14. I am the creator of my own destiny, taking chances to shape it.
  15. I recognize and appreciate the chances life offers me.
  16. I am grateful for the chance to learn and evolve every day.
  17. I courageously take chances that align with my values and goals.
  18. I am open-minded and ready for new experiences.
  19. Taking chances has brought me growth and strength.
  20. I trust that every chance I take is a step forward.
  21. I am deserving of the opportunities and chances that come my way.
  22. I seize chances to show kindness and make a difference.
  23. Every chance is a gift, and I embrace it wholeheartedly.
  24. I am adventurous, always ready to explore new chances.
  25. With every chance, I build a more fulfilling life.

Cultivate self-love and express gratitude towards yourself with these reflective prompts. Recognizing and appreciating your own efforts, qualities, and achievements is crucial for building self-esteem and happiness. Use these statements to acknowledge and celebrate yourself.

  1. I am grateful to myself for __________.
  2. I appreciate my ability to __________.
  3. I’m proud of myself for achieving __________.
  4. I thank myself for showing resilience in __________.
  5. I value my strength in dealing with __________.
  6. I am happy with myself for choosing __________.
  7. I acknowledge my growth in __________.
  8. I am proud of how I handled __________.
  9. I appreciate my sense of humor, especially when __________.
  10. I am thankful for my patience during __________.
  11. I celebrate my courage to __________.
  12. I am grateful for my own creativity in __________.
  13. I commend myself for my dedication to __________.
  14. I am thankful to myself for being kind in __________.
  15. I appreciate my own efforts in __________.
  1. I am a creative and imaginative person.
  2. I trust in my ability to tap into my unique and innovative ideas.
  3. I am open and receptive to inspiration and creativity in my life.
  4. I am worthy of expressing my creativity and sharing it with the world.
  5. I am not defined by past creative blocks or failures, but by my ability to learn and grow from them.
  6. I am committed to creating a positive and imaginative mindset that attracts creativity into my life.
  7. I am confident in my ability to overcome creative obstacles and challenges.
  8. I am surrounded by supportive and encouraging people who believe in my creative potential.
  9. I trust my intuition to guide me towards the right creative ideas and opportunities.
  10. I am mindful of my thoughts and beliefs about creativity, and I use them to create positive experiences.
  11. I believe in the power of visualization to unlock my creative potential and bring my ideas to life.
  12. I am committed to practicing creative habits and routines that inspire and motivate me.
  13. I trust in the power of experimentation and play to unlock my creativity.
  14. I am committed to trying new things and stepping outside of my comfort zone in order to expand my creativity.
  15. I am not afraid to take risks and make mistakes in order to grow creatively.
  16. I am willing to let go of self-doubt and negative self-talk in order to unlock my full creative potential.
  17. I trust in the timing of my creative journey, and I am patient in the process of unlocking my potential.
  18. I am committed to cultivating a positive and supportive environment for my creative pursuits.
  19. I am grateful for the creative opportunities and resources that are available to me.
  20. I am mindful of my surroundings and how they impact my creative mindset.
  21. I am committed to celebrating small creative victories and accomplishments along the way to my ultimate goals.
  22. I am excited about the possibilities of a future filled with limitless creativity and innovation.
  23. I am constantly growing and evolving creatively, and I welcome the opportunity to learn and grow.
  24. I am worthy of unlocking my full creative potential, and I am committed to taking the necessary steps to make it happen.
  25. I am grateful for the unique creative talents and abilities that I possess, and I am committed to expressing them fully.

You can choose to do affirmations in the morning as a way to set the tone for your day, or in the evening as a way to reflect on your day and set intentions for the following day. You can also write them down in a journal or on sticky notes as a visual reminder throughout the day. It’s important to embody the feeling and energy of your affirmations, and truly believe in the positive change they can bring to your life.

Messages of Hope and Change

Unleashing Your Inner Strength: Embracing Life’s Chances

Introduction In every person’s core lies a wellspring of inner strength and confidence, waiting to be tapped into. Discovering this reservoir of potential empowers you … Read More

Cultivating Confidence: A Journey with Chances.org

Confidence is not a gift bestowed upon a chosen few. It is a quality that can be nurtured, developed, and woven into the fabric of … Read More

Art of Non Conformity

Why Living Life on Your Own Terms Matters Do you ever feel like you’re living your life according to someone else’s expectations? Maybe you’ve been … Read More

Learning to Trust Yourself and Your Instincts

Learning to trust yourself and your instincts can be a challenging journey, but it is one that can lead to greater self-confidence and fulfillment. By … Read More

Finding Joy and Happiness in the Little Things

In our fast-paced lives, we often overlook the simple things that bring us joy and happiness. However, it is these little things that can have … Read More

NOTE: Sometimes the same activity, affirmation, or lesson will reappear randomly. We do this because repetition helps strengthen and fortify learning and personal growth.

Surround Yourself with Positivity

Step into a world where positivity is more than a mood—it’s a lifestyle. Discover an array of vibrant, inspiring designs in our store that are more than mere decorations; they are conversations starters, daily affirmations, and personal mantras. Each piece tells a story, your story, of overcoming, aspiring, and achieving.

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